ตรวจ HIV รีวิวความรู้สำหรับการตรวจเอชไอวี (HIV test)

Many people are confused about how they could contract syphilis even though they use protection properly. The truth is, syphilis is highly contagious, especially during the secondary stage. Studies have shown that simply having oral sex with someone who has syphilis can increase the risk of contracting the infection by 10-15%.

Furthermore, syphilis often does not present any symptoms after infection, making it difficult to control its spread. Regular blood screening for syphilis (every 3-6 months depending on risk factors) can provide reassurance and allow for early treatment.

Symptoms of Syphilis

Syphilis is a disease that progresses relatively slowly. In the early stage of syphilis (primary syphilis), it occurs after being infected for 3-4 weeks (average of 10-90 days). The infected person may have a sore at the site of infection, which is often a smooth and painless sore. Therefore, the sore can occur on the lips, genitals, or anal area. Many patients may not be aware of the sore, so they do not seek medical treatment.

Secondary syphilis often occurs 2-3 months after being infected. During this stage, patients often have a widespread rash throughout the body. The characteristic rash of syphilis tends to appear on the palms and soles of the feet. In this second stage, patients may also have fever or swollen lymph nodes due to a high amount of bacteria in the body. It can easily spread to sexual partners even with just oral sex.

After that, syphilis can hide in the body without showing symptoms for several years. Therefore, blood tests to detect syphilis are still important for people at risk, even if they do not have symptoms.

Tertiary syphilis often occurs when syphilis has been left untreated for a long time. During this stage, syphilis bacteria can invade the brain or central nervous system (neurosyphilis). It can also cause inflammation of the eye or inflammation of Aorta. This stage can be dangerous as it can affect vital organs and is difficult to treat.

Is syphilis treatable?

Syphilis is treatable. Penicillin, which was discovered by Alexander Fleming, has been used as the main treatment for syphilis since 1943 until the present day. Since syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection that can be asymptomatic, there is now the use of a prophylactic medication called doxycycline. Doxycycline is a medication that can treat syphilis and has minimal side effects. It is used to prevent syphilis infection after sexual intercourse and is called Doxy-Pep.

Preventing Syphilis

  • One of the most effective ways to prevent syphilis is to practice safe sex consistently using methods such as condoms, which act as a protective barrier and reduce the risk of infection. 
  • Regular testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is also important, especially if you have multiple sexual partners. Testing helps detect and treat syphilis early, reducing the risk of complications and further transmission. 
  • Knowing the sexual history of your partner and having open and direct communication about sexual history is also crucial in preventing syphilis. 

Prevention of syphilis requires proactive measures such as taking care of sexual health, practicing safe sex, regular STI testing, and open communication with sexual partners, which greatly reduces the risk of contracting syphilis.

For those who are interested or would like to inquire about additional information about syphilis or STD Tests, you can contact Glove Clinic through Line Official (@gloveclinic) or message them on the Glove Clinic page, or call 092-414-9254.

Interesting facts about syphilis:

  1. When discussing the history of syphilis, we have to go back several hundred years. The major outbreak occurred in the late 15th century in Europe when the French army invaded the city of Naples, Italy. Italian doctors at that time discovered soldiers with pustular lesions spread throughout their bodies, which were different from the known diseases like leprosy or elephantiasis.
  2. Before it was called syphilis, the naming of the disease was influenced by the hatred of people during that era. For example, Italians, English, and Germans at that time referred to this disease as the “French disease” or the disease of the French. Meanwhile, the French themselves referred to this disease as the “Neapolitan disease” or the disease of the Neapolitans.
  3. The name “Syphilis” comes from a novel written in 1530 called “Syphilus sive Morbus Gallicus” by an Italian poet. The protagonist of the story, named Syphilus, was cursed by the god Apollo to have a disgraceful disease. The disease was then named syphilis in the book, following the name of the protagonist.
  4. The syphilis bacterium was first discovered in 1905 by German doctor and scientist, Erich Hoffmann and Fritz Schaudinn. They found spiral-shaped bacteria from the lesions in the genital area of patients with secondary syphilis.
  5. Penicillin, which was discovered by Alexander Fleming, has been used as the main treatment for syphilis since 1943 until the present day.
  6. Syphilis is a disease that progresses relatively slowly. In the early stage of syphilis (primary syphilis), it occurs after being infected for 3-4 weeks (average of 10-90 days). The infected person may have a sore at the site of infection, which is often a smooth and painless sore. Therefore, the sore can occur on the lips, genitals, or anal area. Many patients may not be aware of the sore, so they do not seek medical treatment.
  7. Secondary syphilis often occurs 2-3 months after being infected. During this stage, patients often have a widespread rash throughout the body. The characteristic rash of syphilis tends to appear on the palms and soles of the feet. In this second stage, patients may also have fever or swollen lymph nodes due to a high amount of bacteria in the body. It can easily spread to sexual partners even with just oral sex.
  8. After that, syphilis can hide in the body without showing symptoms for several years. Therefore, blood tests to detect syphilis are still important for people at risk, even if they do not have symptoms.
  9. Tertiary syphilis often occurs when syphilis has been left untreated for a long time. During this stage, syphilis bacteria can invade the brain or central nervous system (neurosyphilis). It can also cause inflammation of the eye or inflammation of Aorta. This stage can be dangerous as it can affect vital organs and is difficult to treat.
  10. Since syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection that can be asymptomatic, there is now the use of a prophylactic medication called doxycycline. Doxycycline is a medication that can treat syphilis and has minimal side effects. It is used to prevent syphilis infection after sexual intercourse and is called Doxy-Pep.

For those who are interested or would like to inquire about additional information about STD Tests, you can contact Glove Clinic through Line Official (@gloveclinic) or message them on the Glove Clinic page, or call 092-414-9254.

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